Genetic heath could be the wave of the future. Biological determinism or otherwise known as the belief that human …show more content…
This is a parenting style that is very responsive. The more lenient and permissive parents are the ones who become adaptive to this life style. They normally have very little expectations for their child. Usually very involved Indulgent parents set very few rules and limits. The rude and spoiled children are normally brought up in this house hold setting. Parents who use this technique normally do not teach their roll their emotions. In the text My Sisters Keeper Jesse is the oldest child of the Fitzgerald's. He is also the most invisible child. Kate, the second born child has leukemia. Anna the child created to “save” Kate donates plasma, bone marrow and blood. Jesse burns things down for attention.“I hadn't been thinking, actually. I was just trying to get to a place where I'd be noticed.” (Picoult, 2004). Becoming more imprtant is parent education. Children do needconstant attention. Learning good parenting skills that are respectful and result oriented, is a challenge that can be met. Just like in these texts that we have read we find that parents have a different way of parenting. The Fitzgeralds did not show enough attention to jessie, They used this parenting style of indulgent parenting which made Jesse feel