There is much debate nowadays concerning students and part-time jobs, whether they are a good thing or bad. Part time jobs can take time away from schoolwork, true, but students who work 10 to 15 hours a week during the school year earn higher grades than students who don’t work at all. I strongly encourage students to seek out part-time employment. Part-time jobs for students are good because they teach time management, responsibility and set students up for the world of work.
Part- time jobs for students helps teach young people good time management. Learning how to manage time in respect to keeping plans, school schedules and work schedules organized, and forcing them to follow a steady schedule and be places on time, with consequences in a way that no other experiences may teach them, is best taught by a part-time job. I personally have a part-time job; I work at a farm at 6am every weekend morning. Having a part-time job has taught me time management like nothing else has before. Forcing me to prioritize plans and extracurricular activities has turned out to be quite an asset, and helps me in my everyday life, as it will in my future. Along with time management, part-time jobs teach students responsibility.
Responsibility is a very important trait which is taught by part-time jobs. Students with part-time jobs learn how to be responsible. Steve Jobs accredits his success in the world of work to his part-time job at McDonalds in his youth. Part-time jobs give students a duty and obligation to satisfactorily perform and complete tasks and take responsibility for their actions. Students will learn to better handle their time and money at a younger age when faced with the responsibility that part-time jobs provide and ask for. Unlike school, part-time jobs demand a sort of trial based idea; with school, students may get away with tardiness, or absences, while with jobs, students will be faced with docked pay, or perhaps even being