Ethics is defined by moral philosophy and study of what is right, fair, just and good: about what should be done, not just what is most acceptable or expedient (ref). The four principles of ethics are autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice. In this report the ethical principle of non-maleficence, where the health care practices and obligations are to do no willful harm, execute no negligence or malpractice under the legislation duty of care (REF). These ethics will be used in conjunction with each other to relate to the professional ethical behavior in the pathology laboratory. In this case scenario a patient has arrived in the emergency department requiring an urgent blood transfusion; …show more content…
2.0 The consequences of cross-matching within the laboratory
Due to the error of incorrect labelled blood specimen it is the ethical responsibility of the emergency clinician to inform the injured patient. The consequences to the emergency department patient if the pathology scientist is instructed to undertake the blood cross-matching test with the first blood sample could result in possible fatality due to the time required to perform cross-matching. This consequence can be avoided by the manager of pathology, under of duty of care, recommending that due to the failure to label the specimen, protocols have to be followed as the patients’ wellbeing may be put at risk. Protocols under the ethic principle of non-maleficence (to do no harm) suggest the action which the manager believes would be most beneficial to the patient is to recommend a batch of uncrossed O blood be administered which is suitable for a larger percentage of people (ref). Ideally only type-specific blood products should be administered to minimize any adverse reactions, however this