Health IT focus on Remote Monitoring and TelemedicinePatient Management and the changing face of health care; how will health care IT help change and/or shape this model? by ANANYAA BADARI NARAYANA | | A b s t r a c tThe premise of this paper will be to examine the state of technology (how far has it come, how it has changed/shaped the delivery of health care in the United States and how much further it is slated to grow), its utilization (what are the constraints from a policy, infrastructure, and skills standpoint), and a conclusion on what needs to be the role of key stakeholders in leveraging IT increasingly and effectively. | | Ananyaa is a Graduate student of Health Informatics at Northeastern University. Her e-mail address is badarinarayana.a@husky.neu.edu. | |
I n t r o d u c t i o n
The American health care system has been a victim to some key issues like quality of care, access and cost effectiveness. The emergence of modern day technology and communication mechanisms like the internet, smart phones, cell phones and the computers have truly revolutionized the way people communicate, exchange and seek information. The digital information age created by health care informatics has made medical information accessible to people at a timely and efficient manner. Advanced data transfer and compression technologies have made telemedicine, which entails the transmission of audio/video and still images of patients a reality.(Perednia DA, 1995)
While this health IT initiative has proven advantageous over the traditional paper-and-pencil system, health care IT soothsayers predict that this wave of revolution could positively alter the current model of health care delivery in industrialized nations like the United States and the world over. (Balch & Tichenor, 1997)
(Organization, 2010)
Telemedicine bridges the gap between the health
References: 1. Association, T. A. T. Telemedicine, Telehealth, and Health Information Technology, an ATA issue paper, from www.americantelemed.org/files/public/policy/hit_paper.pdf 2. Balch, D. C., & Tichenor, J. M. (1997). Telemedicine expanding the scope of health care information. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 4(1), 1-5. 3. C.I.Jones. Why have health expenditures as a share of GDP risen so much? 4. Gupta, A., & Sao, D. (2010). The unconstitutionality of current legal barriers to telemedicine in the United States: Analysis and future directions of its relationship to national and international health care reform. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-MedicineSocial Science Research Network, http://ssrn. com/abstract51549765/. Accessed, 18, 12. 5. Kathy Duckett RN, B. Innovations in Expanding Primary Care Capacity: Moving Away from Visit Based Care for Medicare Beneficiaries, from www.iom.edu/~/media/Files/Activity%20Files/.../Duckett.pdf 6. Krizner, K. (2002). Telemedicine still looks for inroads to total acceptability. Managed Healthcare Executive, 12(5), 44-45. 7. NEHI. (2009). Remote Physiological Monitoring: Research Update, from http://www.nehi.net/publications/36/remote_physiological_monitoring_research_update 8. Organization, W. H. (2010). Telemedicine: Oppurtunities and developments in Member States retrieved from www.who.int/goe/publications/goe_telemedicine_2010.pdf 9. Perednia DA, A. A. (1995). Telemedicine technology and clinical applications. JAMA.