As noted in the article, there are many factors that can increase the probabilities of medication errors; nurses practice …show more content…
environment has been noted to be one. According to Flynn, Liang, Dickson, Xie, & Suh (2012) “ The empirical literature remains mixed regarding the proposed association between RN staffing levels and the frequency of nonintercepted medication errors”. (p.181)
While the threat of medication error paused to the medical profession is imperative, but this article has demonstrated the importance of the RN in the promotion of the patient safety in the medical field. For those whom might have doubts about what the contribution of the RN in the healthcare setting meant to patient safety net. After reading this article, one would certainly have a clear understanding of the importance of the RN. Dispatch all the other clinicians involved in the care of the patient, it has proven over and over again that the RNs were more likely to identify the problem thus take corrective action and protect the patient.
All RNs must adopt the approach of the study, apply the keys technics identified in the research and help promote the patient safety in our work environment, we must work as a team and practice good communication methods not only with the patient and family member but among us clinician, we must continue to educate ourselves to better serve our patient population.
Burns research article (2009) has given us nurses the greatest motive to be consistent with the principle of patient safety in our work place, doing so can save lives. However, patient safety is just a portion of the benefits that has been offered by this Burns (2009) research article.
Based on substantial evidences provided in the research study by Burns. We, as RNs must also be an advocate for the application of these principles; we must encourage our administrative personnel to accept the recommendations of the study for the promotion of good health practice in all levels of the health care profession. When we apply these principles as noted in Burns article (2009) we can help reduce costs as well as decreasing the probability of medical errors. Medical errors are costly to patient financially as well as emotionally, it can extend hospital stay, increase complication thus increase the duration of the patient recovery. It can be costly to managements, as they have to devote more time, money and other resources for treatment as an effort to treat the patient and solve the medical problem that could been
When we reflect on the result of Burns (2009) research the option is clear and simple, the application of safe medical practice, having efficient patient nurses ratio as one of the finding of the study as revealed in the study can benefit everyone including patient, staff as well as the medical administration team. This knowledge should be adequate when presented by the RN to convince everyone to be on board and adopt all the principles of the study. Therefore, I encourage all nurses to go out there and share this message and start saving lives from medical errors in the work place.