The Patil family recently arrived in Springfield, Massachusetts from New Delhi, India. The Patil family consists of a mother, father and four children, ages 10, 9, 8 and 7. The three oldest children are healthy and will be attending public school within the next few weeks. The youngest child is developmentally delayed and will be remaining at home with his mother. This family is living in a small three room apartment, in the inner city and Mr. Patil recently started working at a local auto body shop. Their primary language is Hindi, however they have the ability of speaking English fairly well. Mr. Patil was recently diagnosed with hypertension prior to their move to the states and he is not currently receiving treatment because the family has no health insurance. Furthermore, they are unable to currently afford medication for Mr. Patil, which is again because of no health insurance and limited income.
Social determinants of health are the "social factors and physical conditions of the …show more content…
Mr. Patil and his family have moved from India and have no family here in the United States, which is very different from the Indian culture he had back home. Furthermore, they are the first family from India to move to Springfield, Massachusetts. Therefore, it would be beneficial to educate the Patil family on local Hindu temples in the area, such as the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Agawam, Massachusetts to help provide spiritual and social support for this family. Hindu temples would have the ability to provide a sense of community for this family, while also giving them social interactions with others who have similar cultural values and beliefs. There is a restaurant in West Springfield, Massachusetts called Pintus Indian Palace, which serves amazing Indian food which the Patil family may enjoy visiting. Finally,