All this was happening in the 1920’s, but one of the greatest things to come out of the 20’s was jazz music. There was a period of time that alcohol was banned, known as the prohibition era. This prohibition helped bring about clubs. These clubs were known as …show more content…
Police and public officials participating in the purchasing of the illegal alcohol. There was some crime in regards to the illegal sell of alcohol in the bigger cities.
With alcohol being banned, it did not stop it being sold. Though the saloons went out of business, clubs known as speakeasies came about. One was known as the Savory Ballroom which was opened in 1926. This place was 250 by 50 feet. The building had two band stands and a “Cat’s Corner”. The Cat’s Corner is a place where one might find the best dancers in town. Even some scouts would go to these clubs to look for potential dancers for productions.
Here at the Savory Ballroom it was integrated. Anyone and everyone could attend and learn the latest swing dance moves and listen to the latest swing music. One might even attend the dance clubs to watch or be a judge for the dance competitions. Dancing was so big, that many enjoyed it. With all who attended, the club had to replace the floors every three