In Goodman`s article he discusses grading as a professor in the 1960`s. Grading is a process that is influenced by various factors. Similarly, to both, I will explain how A citizen in the United States is a process that can take up 10 years to obtain.
In Paul Goodmans` career, he proposed the idea of abolishing grading in colleges\universities. He analyzed the process; and he expressed, the immense pressure the students felt towards the Standardized Grading System. He noted how their primary, was just to do good on the test and get a good grade. Goodman suggested that they implement a pass/fail grading system. In the end many disagreed with Paul Goodman. They believed grading to be a process, that was not easily …show more content…
Correspondily, another distressful process one may experience, is if their immigrating to the United States.
The first step starts, with the person applying to become a resident. From there The U.S.I.C.S (United States Immigration Services) either they accept or decline you with further steps. The second step you incounter with U.S.C.I.S is the “Naturalization Test “. During this Interview you must pass the tests ,and answer questions about your application. If the person makes it to this point, they`re on their way to becoming a U.S Citizen.
The process to becoming a citizen is a difficult decision to commit to, and to follow through from begin to end. Although everything is a process, you have to follow every step possible to satisfy U.S.C.I.S requirements. The expense of these applications cost hundreds of dollars, that these illegals don’t have. Once they receive the approval notice. Then you move on to the next application and fines. After approximately 3,000 to 4,000 dollars, you become a resident; and you can stay here in the United States and support
Once you receive your residency, ten years after if you show good citizenship skills, you will take an English and civics test. If you pass, you become a United States Citizen. The investments to A process, could be a challenging task. But the outcome to the whole Process becomes a success. If you get into trouble with the law, your police record could be bad, and take your citizenship away.
Paul Goodman, was one of many positive role models we have come to indure and appreciate some kind of process. We as adults and mentors, must keep a positive achievements, to anything or any type of process. Which ever kind it is, from grading, to testing, and achieving. Your thoughts have to be very valuable to others and yourself. Keep the processing a purpose.