As I stated earlier, he was mostly …show more content…
He imported goods from England and ran a small hardware store until 1789. Revere opened the first copper rolling mill in North America. He retired in 1811 at the age of 76 putting his business in the hands of his sons and grandsons. According to he didn’t do any more major contributions to the American Revolution but he was respected for his work and charitiable contributions, including his involvement with Massachusetts. Revere’s involvement arose through his connections with members of local organizations and his business patrons set up a flame in the American Revolution with his contributions. Paul Revere died of natural causes May 10, 1818 in Boston, Massachusetts at the age of 83. He helped in the revolution in many different ways. Without Paul Revere the British probably would've invaded and would’ve arrested Samuel Adams and John Hancock. He was a very intelligent and respected man. What he did to contribute to the revolution is still memorable to this