Vacation Debt: What it’s all about?
Vacations are a welcome break from work to relieve stress and spend time with family. But is going on a vacation on credit feasible? Unless the trip is someone's dying wish, spending money that you can't pay at once is not conscientious for the cost of repayment is sky-high.
Nearly half of the people plan vacations without saving sufficiently in advance and end up in debt. Debt is derived from a Latin word ‘Debitum’ which implies to owe something to another person. And when debt is clubbed with vacation the eventual figure is sure going to be pretty lofty.
What Leads To Vacation Debt?
Debt while on a vacation is disturbing; you cannot travel with a free mind if you are going through a financial crisis.
Common mistakes that lead to …show more content…
More often, while on a vacation with family and friends, you forget to stick to your budget and tend to overspend. But, when you return and check your expenditure, you are amazed to know that you are under debt.
A few handy tips to effectuate the payoff are:
Cut down on your expenditure – Keep a tight check on your spending till things get normal.
Refrain from using credit cards – In debt, the first thing to do is to forget you have a credit card. Buying using a credit card will add to both your debt and worry.
Calculate the time you would take to pay the debt – Divide the repayment amount equally over a fixed time period.
Pay more at the start to bring down the interest rate – The longer time you take to repay the debt, the more interest you pay. Thus, it is always wise to pay more at the start.
Surrender your savings and investments to pay the debt – Different investments and saving policies can be surrendered before maturity. The amount payable will depend upon the policy terms and conditions.
Take loan against your life insurance policy – Some life insurance companies allow you take a loan against the