Jim Slevin
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Notes to support readers of ‘Vying for Attention’ by IBM Business Consulting Services | Ondersteunende aantekeningen voor lezers van ‘Vying for Attention’ van IBM Business Consulting Services This document is a thought-leadership paper written by IBM’s consulting services for media and entertainment practice. Thought-leadership papers are designed to disseminate innovative ideas amongst the profession. The paper begins by stating that nothing defines today’s entertainment and media industries so much as their rapidly changing business environment and technology. A major challenge from 2005 on is that consumer attention will become a scarce resource in an increasingly saturated media and entertainment environment. The paper explains in three steps the importance of the role of attention in competing successfully in today’s world. First, it demonstrates how attention has come to be that attention has become a scarce resource. In this way, it develops an awareness of the changing situation of media and