JUNE 2012
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any one question from the rest of Section I.
Q. 1.(a) Do you agree with the following statements? Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ giving proper reasoning in support of your answer. No mark will be awarded for just mentioning ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. : [2×6]
(i) In Formal Organizations, grapevine supplements official communication.
(ii) A Management, believing in Theory Y, will tend to have a mechanical structure with close control. (iii) Anthropology is concerned with social behaviour of people.
(iv) Henry Fayol is regarded as the father of bureaucracy.
(v) Co-optation is a combination of two or more organizations, who, without losing their respective identities, work for a common purpose.
(vi) According to Peter Drucker, exclusive emphasis on profit may be dangerous to sound management.2 Suggested Answers to Question — OMF
(b) Match the following : [1×12]
Column I Column II
(i) Organization Structure A. Division of labour
(ii) Disadvantages of Line Organization B. Pioneered by Elton Mayo
(iii) F.W. Taylor C. the right to act, to issue orders and extract obedience from others
(iv) More often than not, Conflict D. suitable for large organizations
(v) Organizational Culture E. a happy marriage between Theory & Practice
(vi) Authority is F. the skills or capabilities of a person
(vii) Line & Staff Organization G. is the fundamental & unique purpose of a business firm
(viii) Ability means H. is primarily concerned with allocation of tasks
(ix) Human Relations movement I. Mutual Problem Solving
(x) The mission of a business J. represents a common perception held by the organization’s members
(xi) Conflict handling mode K. leads to certain positive