Pearl Hattie Doggett was born on December 16, 1906 in Vero Beach, Florida. She grew up in a poor family with four older sisters. Their names were Valena, Gerue, Edna, and Willy. Her childhood was not very pleasant. She was really close to her sisters but not so much with her parents. Pearl’s mother was very mean to her and one horrific night, she even witnessed her father shooting himself. He was a doctor, but had a mental illness. Nowadays it …show more content…
One night she was sitting and watching television with her daughter Pat and asked her if the show was blurry. When Pat took her to the doctor, they diagnosed Pearl with Macular Degeneration. Even though she was legally blind, she had a little bit of peripheral vision. Her vision didn’t stop her passion for crochet though. Over the years, she had crocheted many afghans and clothing. With all these health problems, she never once complained. She wanted to live an independent life and that she did. Pearl lived alone in her house in florida for a few years and developed little tricks to get through in her daily tasks. One of her tricks was when she was filling up a glass, she would put her finger at the top of her mug to determine if the glass was full or not. She also was diagnosed with breast cancer and other minor health problems. She had her breasts removed and survived her cancer. When her daughter Pat and her family moved to North Carolina, she went with them. Pearl stayed in a room in her own section of the house with her five cats. For a couple of years they lived life happily. She would travel place to place to visit her kids once in awhile until one morning she had an aneurysm. They called the ambulance and sent her to the ICU. She survived and God gave them a miracle. She lived for a couple more years before she died in her sleep. She died like she lived, peacefully. When her