Student ID 165486
JPT2 Task 1
February 19, 2012
Table of Contents
Unit overview……………………………………page 3
Materials list………………………………….…page 4
Task analysis…………………………………….page 5
Performance objectives…………………………page 6
Lesson Plans……………….……………………page 7
Assessment/Evaluation…………….………….page 15
Unit Overview
Several third grade special education students lack the basic skills to determine how much money is needed to make a purchase. In particular they are unable to identify and value coins. However, it is assumed that students entering third grade have already grasped these concepts in first or second grade. Since identifying and valuing coins are a basic math and life skill students need to understand these concepts. The goal is third grade special education students will obtain and utilize basic skills to determine how much money is needed to make a purchase by identifying and valuing coins.
Materials List
1. Skip count song (2, 5, 10)
2. Skip count flipchart (2, 5, 10)
3. Skip count manipulatives (2, 5, 10)
4. Skip count worksheets (2, 5, 10)
5. Money song (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
6. Money flipcharts (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
7. Money manipulatives (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
8. Money worksheets (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
9. Calculators
10. Small items for final assessment “store” activity
Task Analysis
1. Review skip counting (2, 5, 10)
2. Penny activities
3. Nickel activities
4. Dime activities
5. Quarter activities
6. Activities combining coins
7. Making a purchase