Another example of negative peer pressure shown in the book was when Brother Leon was trying to blackmail Caroni, who is one of Brother Leon’s students.
Caroni was a straight A student and he had barely received any B’s. But now all of that was going to change because Caroni had just received his first ever F. He was heart-broken, but to make things worse his teacher(Brother Leon) was trying to blackmail him. He was going on and on about how Caroni got this devastating F and how no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but then he said something like this F didn’t have to be there. Can you believe it. Your own teacher trying to blackmail you. Caroni was know even madder, but Caroni wouldn’t fall for it and he said that he was just going to keep his F. This shows that anyone can influence or try to influence you in a negative
way. Although I said in the beginning of this report that the main type of peer pressure shown in this book was negative peer pressure, there are also some types of positive peer pressure shown in this book as well. One example of positive peer pressure shown in this book is when the coach of Trinity’s football team was trying to influence one of his students named Jerry of the students named Jerry, to try out for the football team.The coach told him to be there at a sharp time. The boy gained some confidence about himself and he went to the football tryouts. Even though the boy got pounded on the football field, he realized something new about himself. Jerry now realized that he has guts. By the coach doing this he helped that young boy to think better of himself. Also by the coach doing what he did he allowed the boy to gain better self-esteem about himself. The boy now really liked to play football, because at the beginning the boy was so lazy that he barely did anything, but know all of that changed. This that through all the negative and evil there will always be some positive there that would change the negative things into to positive things. To conclude my paper on Peer Pressure shown in the book The Chocolate War, I would say that this book has many types of peer pressure in it. Although so far what I have read in The Chocolate War has been mostly negative peer pressure, I believe that as I continue to read the book I would find more and more types of positive peer pressure. What I am trying to say is that no matter how negative there is, positive will always be on top. Thank you and goodbye.