Journal entry – Appropriate Education.
We have been studying this in my other Education class – EDU 2110. We actually have read a great deal on what the term adequate education. Every state is able to set standards to address this question. Maryland for example has a definition based on the drop out rate vs the amount of students that meet APY.
I was actually shocked to find that an education is not a right. Sure I am aware it is not covered in the American Constitution, but to see that it is not covered was quite a shock to me. We have children go to school and they are made to by law, but in the same manner we don’t guarantee them a education or even an adequate one or one labeled appropriate.
Regarding a special needs student – their rights are projected by section 504 – seeks to protect their right to an education based on correcting any injustices that they may face as a special needs student. the US Department states:
The Section 504 regulation requires a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to each qualified person with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the person’s disability. (
It seems to be more based on providing them and education without addressing the quality of it. I too found that to be interesting. In
In the case Forest Grove School - v -Teachers Association the law found it important enough to award funds to parents of special need students if their student doesn’t receive a sufficient education at their local public school. Through this lawsuit the 1998 Amendments to the individuals with disabilities Act meant to rein the costs of private school placement…” (www.edweek,org/ew/articles/2009.html).
As of yet there are no sure ways to avoid debates raised between legislators and educators. Most local and state school boards are made up of