Only traditions explain our stubborn attachment to our pennies. However, pennies should not be abolished, they are beneficial to us in every days life. For example, people who have thousands of pennies saved up from over the years of rescuing them from the streets and from the deep, dark crevices of sofa cushions will not have the opportunity to convert these pennies into thousands of dollars. I can say this from experience because my mother has saved every penny she has seen in a big jar since I was little and plans to give it to me for my college fund. If we abolish, the so called “worthless, bothersome, and wasteful penny,” then my poor mothers fifteen year’s collection of pennies will have gone to waste. Besides the saving of the penny. Eliminating pennies would also be inflationary, because all those $39.99 prices would rise to $40. How often have you waited in line while the customer ahead of you fumbled through their pockets or purses for a few pennies? All they have is just unwanted weight to their pockets and purses. Few people now a days still bend down to pick up a penny off the sidewalk. Whether its the superstions of “luck” or just another penny to add into their collection.
Only traditions explain our stubborn attachment to our pennies. However, pennies should not be abolished, they are beneficial to us in every days life. For example, people who have thousands of pennies saved up from over the years of rescuing them from the streets and from the deep, dark crevices of sofa cushions will not have the opportunity to convert these pennies into thousands of dollars. I can say this from