Project PR campaign
(R.O.P.E. Format)
Case Study #1
Pepsi Refresh Project In today’s generation Y age so many Americans and world citizens use social media. Facebook, Twitter, online blogs and photo and video sharing sites like Youtube are being accessed by a wide variety of publics. It makes sense that to run a successful PR and marketing campaign these social media sites be used to promote and spread the missions and objectives of the campaign through the networks of millions of individuals. Pepsi has done just that with their “Refresh Everything
Campaign.” The Pepsi Refresh Project (PRP) is the next level product of
Pepsi’s 2009 “Refresh Everything Campaign”. This project utilizes social media and a promotion strategy that engages the public and puts the nation’s ideas into action through providing funding.
Pepsi has set up a dynamic campaign of social democracy that encourages people around the nation to submit ideas for a positive change in and around their communities. There are four different categories of ideas: Arts and music, Education, Communities, and Pepsi
Challenge (each month Pepsi poses a new challenge questions and encourages consumers to come up with a solution). There are also four different grant sizes: $5k, $10k, $25k, and $50k, with a total of 60 awardees a month ( Once an idea is thought of and an application is submitted online via, it is then the job of the individual, group or organization to promote and get votes for their idea through the use of their social networks. Pepsi is also using specially marked products to add incentive for the consumer to buy them.
By placing “power votes” on the bottom of their soda caps one can potentially buy extra votes for their idea from the company
Pepsi also uses their campaign website to give insightful hints and tips as to how to go about promoting ideas.