On the third trial you are asked to answer again and are puzzled on whether to put the correct answer or the answer the others have voiced. It was found that 75% of participants chose the incorrect answer option. It was also concluded that if the confederates in the study had varied answers it was more likely for the participant to give their initial answer. Along with that the group size played a role on the rate of conformity. It was concluded that sex did not vary results. Ultimately, conformity is something that molds human behavior and everyday decision making however multiple variables affect the result that decision. Asch’s findings are widely accepted and are continuously being studied. More recently studies have been conducted about HIV/AIDS and sexual risk behaviors and the relationship between females and males seeking help in times of distress. The last conclusion that was drawn regarded cultures impact on conformism. It was found that collectivist countries have higher levels of conformism than individualistic
On the third trial you are asked to answer again and are puzzled on whether to put the correct answer or the answer the others have voiced. It was found that 75% of participants chose the incorrect answer option. It was also concluded that if the confederates in the study had varied answers it was more likely for the participant to give their initial answer. Along with that the group size played a role on the rate of conformity. It was concluded that sex did not vary results. Ultimately, conformity is something that molds human behavior and everyday decision making however multiple variables affect the result that decision. Asch’s findings are widely accepted and are continuously being studied. More recently studies have been conducted about HIV/AIDS and sexual risk behaviors and the relationship between females and males seeking help in times of distress. The last conclusion that was drawn regarded cultures impact on conformism. It was found that collectivist countries have higher levels of conformism than individualistic