The definition of specialization is, “the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs” (Daft, 2013). Perdue Farms uses vertical integration in its management of tasks. “As a vertically integrated agribusiness, the company is able to ensure quality at every step in the supply chain” (Perdue Inc., 2008). Perdue breeds and hatches all of its eggs, hand-picks their growers, designs/builds chicken houses based on individual engineering formulates and manufactures its own chicken feed, oversees the care and feeding of the chicks, operates its own processing plants, manages its own trucking fleet, and markets the production. (Daft, 2013) Perdue allows all of its departments to have various levels of responsibilities …show more content…
The technology factor is organized around product or service. Ever since 1920, Perdue has consistently evolved through the years. In the 1950’s, it would have taken 14 weeks to develop a three lb. chicken, whereas today it only takes seven weeks to develop a five lb. chicken (Daft, 2013). In the 1990s, “All over-the-road trucks were equipped with satellite two-way communications and geographic positioning, allowing real-time tracking, rerouting if needed, and accurately informing customers when to expect product arrival” (Daft, 2013). Perdue has used the advancements in technology to become one of the lead companies in its industry. Perdue uses the areas of genetics, nutrition and avian science to ensure that its company continues to advance and move forward in areas needed to ensure it provides the best product possible (Daft, 2013). Perdue is the first company to use digital scales which allows them to to guarantee an accurate weight for consumers, the first to conduct weekly tests using approved quality factors on its chickens and competitors, the first to provide nutritional labeling and the first poultry company to distribute to its consumers, fully cooked products in microwaveable trays. Perdue offers a variety of products to its consumers due to the ever increasing need in the U.S., for ready-made food, which the demand today is at an all-time …show more content…
Its company website lists six things that it itself accountable for:
1) Producing safe, high quality food.
2) Helping customers prosper with flexible, forward-thinking solutions.
3) Being responsible stewards of the natural resources we utilize.
4) Being a responsible employer, investing in our associates.
5) Being responsible members of the community.
6) Contributing to the economic stability of our company and our business partners. (Perdue Farms Inc., 2014).
Results of this platform were revealed in fiscal year 2012 and Perdue exceeded quality and customer service goals. (Perdue Farms Inc., 2014).
Based on the clear norms and values for its employees and that the Perdue Company being “built upon a foundation of quality” (Daft, 2013), I would give them the highest rating of one on the Marcic scale. The values that the company has held true for many decade still holds true today for Perdue, its employers and employees.