Perfect Purse
Perfect Purse A new purse is a girl’s best friend. The smell of new leather is enticing. There are so many colors, sizes, and brands to choose from. The sight of crazed woman rushing around everywhere trying to find the perfect purse is exhilarating. The price is not a concern; it is that special look that matters most. So many purses to choose from, what is a girl to do? Where to start? Size is one of my main concerns. Not too small, not too large. It needs to be perfect, fit for me, just the right size. It needs to be able to fit all of my daily needs in it such as wallet, cell phone, sunglasses, lotion, and hand sanitizer. A good way to figure out what size would be best is by trying each of them on, just like a piece of clothing. So, I go along picking up different purses, trying to find one that fits me. After a good fifteen minutes or so I find the perfect size. But, there is something about the texture of the leather that’s not what I am looking for. So, the journey continues. Now, on a search for a purse mostly like this one but with a different texture, something with smooth flexible leather. This is more difficult than I thought it would be. Most of them are just like the first. It is going to take me to look harder and deeper to find one. I stick my hand down a rather large bin up to the shoulder feeling something smooth as a baby’s bottom. Pulling my arm out, low and behold is a good, medium sized purse with the perfect leather. However, the color of this purse is just absolutely hideous. The search must go on. At this point it is getting very frustrating. We think we have the perfect purse, then stare at it long enough, and find something wrong. I walk up and down every isle keeping my eyes pealed for the perfect purse. Reds, pinks, light blues, and greens always catch my eye. None of them matching up to the size or type of leather we are looking for. I find a pink purse that looks like what might be my perfect purse
Cited: Fuller, Thomas. The Holy State and the Profane State. qtd. in The Columbian World of Quotations. 3rd ed. 1996 Great Books Online. 28 Sept. 2008