Not a lot of people wanted to use them until Mark McGwire had a record breaking year. Some of the worst things that can happen while taking performance Enhancing Drugs are that can cause you to get a heart attack, strokes, and even liver cancer. Nowadays it is even a growing problem because a lot of student athletes are using them. There is found evidence that the drugs have been used in the Olympics from 776 BC to AD 393. The very first case from somebody dying from Performance Enhancing Drugs was when Andrew Linton died during a race from Paris to Bordeaux.
In 1968 at the Olympics drug testing was introduced to try and limit people from using them in the Olympics. When you inject additional testosterone into the system it increases muscle mass and strength. There all diffrent kinds of ways to detecting if people are using the Performance Enhancing Drugs. One of the biggest cases were when Mlb star Alex Rodriguez was accused of using the drugs, but they never had any hard evidence that he was using them and he was still suspended even though they didn't find any evidence that he was using …show more content…
Some people say that the only way that athletes will stop using the drugs is if they get a lifetime ban from the sport they love playing. The complicity of medical professionals and shadowy labs are often involved. Corruption in general has and also doping are ubiquitous in both amauter and professional sports. It has taken the character of a symmetric threat. A lot of athletes that are serious about the sport is that you will do anything to win and the competitive sport can be fierce.
Most of the athletes pursue dreams of winning a medal or trophy for their country or trying to secure a spot on a professional