A traditional patriarchal society makes the father of each household the deciding factor on issues and the way that family operates. The table is a metaphor for the home or community in which you live. Much like a community, there are multiple forces at work to keep the platform upright and secure. Without full support at all times, the entire structure will topple. The poem constantly reminds you of each individual’s necessity to remain supportive. The first line starts with such an example. “No matter what, we must eat to live.” An individual cannot leave or else faces the risk of starvation. The next line continues with the same logic. “So it has been since creation, and it will go on.” The author is letting you know that this way of life is all that the people know and believe to be possible.
The poem goes on to talk about chasing chickens and dogs away from the table. The line would be sound if not for the mention of poultry. Why chase away a commonly eaten bird when there is such a celebration of bringing food to the table? Is there a fear of an animal knocking one of the table legs loose? Chickens and dogs must be a metaphor for outsiders of the community (table) who are considered savage or animalistic in their way of operating. An instinctive fear and rejection of outside individuals allows the traditional system of operations to remain unchanged. The next sentence follows with another threat towards the table. “Babies teethe at the corners. They scrape their knees.” The babies chewing can be seen as a part of the natural cycle of life but it stands for something deeper. A baby contains total potential from day 1 and knows