"A Permissive Parenting Style - Not Necessarily the Best Upbringing Alternative." Search Your Love. 30 Oct. 2007. .
Clark, Christine, Kevin H. Gross, and College of Human Ecology. "Adolescent Health- Risk Behaviors: The Effect of Perceived Parenting Style and Race." Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Science. 04 November 2007 .
Frick-Horbury, Donna, and Jennifer Neal. "The Effects of Parenting Styles and Childhood Attachment Patterns on Intimate Relationships." Journal of Instructional Psychology. (September 2001). 05 September 2007 .
Gurian, Anita. "Parenting Styles/ Children 's Temperaments: The Match." NYU Child Study Center Giving Children back Their Childhood. 3 Dec. 2007 .
Henshaw, Jon. "What Parenting Style Is Best?" Family Resources. 6 Nov. 2007 .
LeVrier, Peggy. "Your parenting style can influence "right" choices." Pasadena ISD Parent University. 20 Nov. 2007. .
O 'Conner, Richard. "Permissive Parenting." 2 Dec. 2007. .
"Parenting Style and Its Correlates." Health. 2007. .
Paul, Margaret. "The Consequence of Permissive Parenting." Articles 3000. 29 Nov. 2007 .
"Permissive Parenting: Too Much Freedom could Hurt Your Child." Parenting. 9 Nov. 2007. .
Uebergang, Joshua. "The Concept of Permissive Parenting Styles." 30 Nov. 2007 .
Friend or Foe, What should a parent be?
Authoritarian: Controlling, Dictator
Authoritative: Balanced, Gives and takes, open to the ideas of the child
Permissive: Push-over, Disconnected from the child, Child controls parent
Description of: Authoritarian
Expression of love is limited or possibly absent
Expect all orders to be followed without giving any explanation
Highly demanding
Extremely focused on their status in society
Houses and personal spaces are well maintained and orderly.
Disobedience is not accepted
Description of: Permissive
Anything goes
Uninterested in their child 's life do to their own selfish interests
Very Lenient
Avoid all situations that result in confrontation
See themselves as friends rather then parents
Never discipline their child
No guidelines or rules
In extreme cases they neglect and reject their child
Effects of Authoritarian Parenting
High levels of depression
Poor social skills Lack of conversations at home cause nervousness in conversations outside the home
Low self-esteem
Lack of conversation
Lack of inner discipline
Rebellion is common among children
The child may be likely to become a permissive parent
Inability to express their feelings and thoughts
Perform only moderately well in school
Effects of Permissive Parenting
Child is demanding and disrespectful
Lack of self-discipline
Lack of self-esteem
Causes of rebellion Drinking, smoking, taking drugs, riding motorcycle without a helmet
No sense of responsibility
Entitlement issues
Don 't perform well in school
Decent social skills
Why people become
Authoritarian Parents
They try to live vicariously through their child 's life
Want their child to be an accessory
Social Statues
Possibly had permissive parents who didn 't push them to be successful
Permissive Parents
Society shows images that tell parents they should befriend their child
They were most likely brought up by a authoritarian parent and are trying to make up for their parents strict rules
Often people who grew up in poverty
Considered to be the moderate parent
Have a healthy mix of Authoritarian and Permissive parenting
Try to consider the child 's point of view
Set rules that are reasonable, and explain the reason behind them and why they must be followed
Encourage their child to be independent
Children need role models and rules to mould their personality
Surveys taken show that most children feel more secure, comfortable and respectful with the parents when they set some rules.
Produces better intimate relationships, which are noticeable in early adolescence
Results in high social skills, and self-esteem
Perform very well in school
What to do as an Authoritative parent
Your son hits another child at soccer practice. You would tell him that it is not right to hit people, make him apologize, and take away a privilege if this is a repeat offense
Your son and his friends have made a big mess in your playroom and now want to go play outside. You would help them clean up by making a game out of who can pick up the most toys
When your kids don 't do their chores you give them a helpful reminder that they need to be responsible and do their chores
The main goal of Authoritative parenting and discipline is to each your children why your rules are important and help them learn to make good choices on their own
Our Expert: Dr. Ann Montgomery
" Most kids that I deal with who have stress issues do come from Authoritarian parents"
"I can not choose either, even if both have more beneficial sides then the other. Authoritative parents are of course the parent that all should strive to become."
"I grew up in a very poor household with strict Authoritarian parents. They pushed me continuously and that is why I became a Family Councilor so that I may help parents choose the correct actions and parenting style.
" One out of every eleven children with Authoritarian parents commit suicide a year."
Cited: "A Permissive Parenting Style - Not Necessarily the Best Upbringing Alternative." Search Your Love. 30 Oct. 2007. . Frick-Horbury, Donna, and Jennifer Neal. "The Effects of Parenting Styles and Childhood Attachment Patterns on Intimate Relationships." Journal of Instructional Psychology. (September 2001). 05 September 2007 . Gurian, Anita. "Parenting Styles/ Children 's Temperaments: The Match." NYU Child Study Center Giving Children back Their Childhood. 3 Dec. 2007 . Henshaw, Jon. "What Parenting Style Is Best?" Family Resources. 6 Nov. 2007 . LeVrier, Peggy. "Your parenting style can influence "right" choices." Pasadena ISD Parent University. 20 Nov. 2007. . O 'Conner, Richard. "Permissive Parenting." 2 Dec. 2007. . "Parenting Style and Its Correlates." Health. 2007. . Paul, Margaret. "The Consequence of Permissive Parenting." Articles 3000. 29 Nov. 2007 . "Permissive Parenting: Too Much Freedom could Hurt Your Child." Parenting. 9 Nov. 2007. . Uebergang, Joshua. "The Concept of Permissive Parenting Styles." 30 Nov. 2007 .
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