It was not to say that one should offer their life, but if presented with the situation to do it willingly and that they would be honored if they did so. Modern Christianity, that ideal of being martyr would be understood as being willing to do anything for the sake of Christ. The word ‘martyr’ actually comes from the Greek word for witness (Murphy, 226-230). Martyrs essentially were witnesses to the Christian faith, which all followers of Christianity are encouraged to be. Martyrs expressed many idealistic virtues such as strong faith and positive mind that a modern Christian would want to express
It was not to say that one should offer their life, but if presented with the situation to do it willingly and that they would be honored if they did so. Modern Christianity, that ideal of being martyr would be understood as being willing to do anything for the sake of Christ. The word ‘martyr’ actually comes from the Greek word for witness (Murphy, 226-230). Martyrs essentially were witnesses to the Christian faith, which all followers of Christianity are encouraged to be. Martyrs expressed many idealistic virtues such as strong faith and positive mind that a modern Christian would want to express