A personal code of ethics is something that defines who we are, as well as what we believe in. I believe that a personal code of ethics is something that is ever changing as we grow and learn. My personal code is something that I began developing at a young age. Growing up, my parents taught me right from wrong, which is what I have used to lay the groundwork for my own personal ethics. As I got older, I began to develop a sense of who I was and how I wanted to live my life through personal and professional experiences.
Growing up, my parents pushed me to be the best I could be. They let me make mistakes and used them as teachable moments. They taught me the importance of work ethic, reliability, and trustworthiness. Being reliable and trustworthy is important in both personal and work relationships. They also taught me to be kind. I strive to be kind to everyone, and treat them with respect. I try look at situations from someone else's point of view. We never know what is going on in someone else's life, so I feel it is better to treat them with kindness and respect versus being rude or disrespectful. If someone is having a bad day, I don't want to make it any worse. As I got older, I came to the quick realization that not everyone's views are the same. My parents taught me to accept people for who they are and not to hold it against them when they have do not have the same views as I do. One thing we all have in common is that we are human. We should treat each other with the respect and dignity that we would like to be treated with.
In recent years, one of the biggest factors in developing myself personally has been the prospect of starting a family. My husband has taught me to appreciate what is and not be so consumed in things that I cannot change. I want to be the best possible version of myself for my family. Family is important, and I will make it a point to put them first. I will continue to work on my selflessness and