My ethical perspective lens rights and responsibilities; I tend to use reasoning skills to determine duties as well as universal rules that each person should follow. I prioritize the value of being in charge over equality. My primary concern would be protecting my individual rights, believing that it is the best way to assure that everyone in the community is treated fairly.
Rationality over sensibility is also another prioritized value, believing that universal rules exist that applies equally to everyone and that results are achieved through consistent application of the universal rules. The value of individual balance and restraint in the desire for pleasure while seeking to satisfy duties. By knowing who I am, I can act with integrity in the exercise of all virtues. My blind spot would be that I believe that motive justifies method. Being clear about reasons for acting, I tend to believe that the motive justifies the method. Sometimes I tend to cause upset and pain because I am so focused on good motives. Ethics are a set of universal rules that everyone must follow just like I do. An ethical person is defined as one who fulfills their duties and does the right thing as an autonomous, fully-responsible adult. I have the fullest expression of fairness and judgment. Without self-knowledge, I tend to run into the risk of becoming autocratic. I require everyone to do things my way in order to measure up ethically. I tend to not consider other interpretations of the facts or listen to other approaches once I have made up my mind.
Also, being judgmental and legalistic without self-knowledge, can become overly rigid in my expectations, leading to legalism by obsessing over minute details. Becoming judgmental and when others do not fulfill, what I personally believe, as their duties, I will be quick to label them as unethical. To see more clearly, I check to see whether my intuition, my heart, agrees with my head. To find