The survey form used for this report came from “An Experiential Approach to Organization Development (7th Edition)”, ISBN 978-0131441682 by Donald R. Brown and Donald Harvey. This survey form covers five …show more content…
Of the communication skills category questions, the subject rated himself the lowest on question 16, “Gives Feedback” with a rating of 4.0.
In the “Interpersonal Skills”, behavioral area the subject’s average score was 4.8. Of all five behavioral areas, the subject rated himself the lowest in the interpersonal skills area. More specifically the subject gave themselves ratings of 4.0 on the interpersonal skills category questions 22 “Seeks Close Relationships” and 27 “Is Dominant”.
For the “Aspiration-Achievement Levels” behavioral area the subject’s average rating of 5.3. The subject rated himself the lowest on question 13, “Is Organized” with a rating of 4.0.
In the “Problem-Solving Skills” behavioral area, the subject’s average rating is 5.5. While the subject’s scores in this behavioral area were generally high, the subject did rate himself low on question 14 “Is Logical” with a rating of 2.0.
The final behavior area reviewed on the subject’s survey was “Leadership Skills”. For leadership skills, the subject’s average rating was 6.8. The subject rated himself the highest in this behavioral area. The lowest question rating in this behavioral area was 5.0 for question 15 “Is …show more content…
In general the subject needs to work on mastering the interpersonal skills that allow for closer relationships with team members. In the communication skills behavioral area, the subject needs to work on his listening skills. The subject also needs to work harder at seeking ideas from others. In the problem-solving skills area, the subject has the opportunity to be a more effective catalyst for group problem solving sessions.
The subject should also consider the following threats to his effectiveness. The subject is occasionally viewed as being non-conformist and non-competitive.
The subject provided the following “personal reflections” when provided a copy of the analysis of the survey results:
“I appreciate the high scores received from the peopled who provided surveys for me. My challenge is to live up to the high regard they have for me. They agree with me that I need to focus on the relationships I have with others. This includes more effectively seeking ideas from others. The others also documented my tendency to be less of a conformist. I feel trying to avoid being a complete conformist has been one of my personal strengths in the past. Although this has been challenging in a military organization. My other strengths are problem solving and leadership and this was evident in the survey data. I appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments in the report