Personal Professional Development Plan
Complete this document using the Personal Professional Development Plan Activity, Parts 1-4 to help guide you.
Career goals To become a Human Resource Manager or a Training Manager for a large corporation.
Educational goals
To complete my Masters Degree in Business with Human Resource focus.
Competencies (strengths)
I can follow instruction, have good writing skills, good organization skills, adapt well to change and strategize to better the operations to increase profits.
Areas of improvement
I need to continue to improve on innovation, taking initiative, presenting, researching, networking, persuading, and apply what I have learned when necessary.
Steps to take to reach your goal
I need to continue my education, practice and set goals for myself. Gen involved with outsources to assist with the networking and presenting pieces. I also need to review policies, review figures and stastical tables and to use my cross functional skills when applicable.
Potential road blocks
Potential roadblocks for me could be financial means, hours of workload at current place of employment, and gaining the ability to identify issues that may be used in feed forward for me to avoid these future issues.
Which steps would you consider milestones? Why?
Obtaining a position the field I am working toward, such as a Human Resource or Training Manager.
How will you monitor your progress toward your career goals? How assertive I am, how many applications I put in, how many interviews I obtain, and gather data on how effective I was or was not in an interview.
How might you focus your time and attention in your future courses based on your career competencies and career goals? Continue to be very active in my education, have more control of assignments, offer to be the team leader more often and this will allow me to grow