* In my results from the Ethical Lens Inventory; my personal preferred lens is Relationship and Reputation Lens.…
Ethical lens inventory identified how my personal ethical decisions are influenced. The result of the ethical lens inventory stated my preferred lens is none periscope or paralysis. The core values of autonomy, equality, rationality, and sensibility are foundation for ethical behavior. In my autonomy core value I function with rationality to determine how I fit into that job role. Any task that is assigned or need doing is thought of with purpose and how it is beneficial. Equality core pertain to how I want balance for everyone involved in a project, to maintain a since of fairness. Sensibility core does reflect my internal feelings when using intuition before proceeding with a job or task that is in question.…
After taking the Ethical Lens Inventory, I have discovered that my personal lens is the Results Lens. Upon further reading I discovered how that translated into my values, strengths, weaknesses, and my blind spot as well as how to see more clearly. The key phrase for those with the Results Lens is “I make choices that are good for everyone.”…
Before I started this assignment I had no idea what the ethical lens inventory meant, I was confused. I just followed the directions and started working on the assignment. As I was answering the questions, I had a couple of questions that repeated and in my mind seemed similar and I thought, “I just answered this question,” but at the end I understood why the questions, were like that. It was because it was testing my values. My ethical lens inventory report showed me my preferred ethical lens, blind spot, strengths and weaknesses, and my values and the resultant behavior.…
According to my Ethical Lens Inventory, my preferred ethical lens is Rights- Responsibility and Results Lens (Ethical Lens Inventory Games), meaning…
After completing the Ethical Lens Inventory my preferred ethical lens was Results Lens and Reputation Lens. I learned that the result lens and reputation lens show that I am a person who listen to my intuition (sensibility) to determine the greatest good for each individual (autonomy) and the character traits and virtues that will best serve the community (equality). I also learned that my Core Values are Balances between self and others meaning I value autonomy and equality equally. It also stated that interdependence is the goal, harmonizing the rights of individuals with the well-being of the community. My classical values are Prudence and Fortitude which showa I demonstrate wisdom in practical matters and foresight as I act with enlightened self-interest in each circumstance. It stated that I manage to avoid rash actions while bringing the gift of entrepreneurship to the table. I stated that I also bring optimism, imagination and courage in the face of obstacles. I found my blind spots are im satisfied with too little good or unrealistic role expectations. I learned from the inventory that sometimes I fail to be accountable to those who are depending on me. So long as im satisfied with my own needs, I can become complacent, leaving problems unresolved in the long-term and everyone else to fend for themselves. The inventory also stated that I run the risk of developing unrealistic role expectations, and I will tend to rely too much on the virtues associated with a particular role, forgetting that individuals are fallible regardless of their role. I didnt agree completly my inventory results from my blind spots, but I found it to be very interesting.…
The ethical lens inventory exercise is very useful and something that I have lost sight of over the years. I was first introduced to this concept when I first applied for a sales position over a decade ago. After completing the exercise, the results of my answers places me in the Rights and Responsibility Lens. Since no one is perfect, having blind spots is inevitable, my blind spot as a result of my answers states that "belief that motive justifies method." My strengths are reason and self knowledge, whereas my weakness is becoming judgmental and legalistic.…
After looking at my Ethical Lens Results I found that my personal preferred lens is results and reputation meaning that I listen to your intuition to determine the greatest good for each individual and the character traits and virtues that will best serve the community. I found that my Blind Spot is that I am Satisfied with too little good or Unrealistic Role Expectations which states that sometimes I fail to be accountable to those who are depending on me. So long as I’ve satisfied my own needs, I can become complacent, leaving problems unresolved in the long-term and everyone else to fend for themself. I also run the risk of developing unrealistic role expectations and will tend to rely too much on the virtues associated with a particular role, forgetting that individuals are fallible regardless of their role.…
In reviewing my ethical lens inventory I have many faults and many advantages when it comes to the way I learn. My personal preferred lens is rights and responsibility, which means I use rationality to determine my duties as well as the rules that each person should follow.…
In this paper I will be addressing the results of your Ethical Lens Inventory. How might my personal Ethical Lens direct my academic behavior, and how my ethical lens influences my critical thinking? What were the results of my Career Plan Building Activity: Aptitude? How might I use My Career Plan aptitude results and competencies as well as my personal ethical lens to help me in the classroom and the workplace?…
The basic theme of this paper is to interpret the results of my Ethics Awareness Inventory and apply them to my personal and professional development. In addition, the paper will include its statement explaining how my educational experience has affected my ethical thinking. The analysis will address my use of ethics in thinking and decision-making, and the potential for conflict in situations with people who have different interpretations of ethical behavior.…
I witnessed something which opened my eyes to the consequences of wrong decisions and forced me to take control and responsibility over every action I proceeded to do after that. This new addition of ethical lenses allowed me to mature faster than others may have, but shaped me into the young woman I am today. The various messages of which I have to determine which will lead me in the right direction, confuses me.…
The Ethics Awareness Inventory is a guide to the personal awareness of my ethical perspective and style. This summary will show how others and I approach ethical decision making. I will explain the importance of understanding my own personal ethical perspective. I will analyze the relationship between personal and professional ethics in the field of psychology.…
August 31, 2009Defining ethics is often a difficult task for individuals to do. Ethics can be defined with more than one meaning. Awareness and the ability to analyze ones personal and professional ethics is an essential aspect for adults in today 's highly competitive and specialized business world. This paper will interpret the results of the Ethics Awareness Inventory, explain how the educational experience has influenced my own ethical thinking, describe how I apply my own ethics in thinking and decision-making, and how I attempt to cope with people and situations that offer differing interpretations of ethical behavior.…
The Ethic Awareness Inventory at the University of Phoenix was created to assist its students with their development of a deeper understanding of what their personal ethical perspective and style is. The online survey enables students to learn more about their Character, Obligation, Results, and Equity (CORE). According to the Ethics Awareness Inventory my ethical perspective is most likely to be based on obligation, and least likely to be based on equity. In this paper, I will describe the results of this inventory to my personal and professional development. The table below shows the results of my Ethic Awareness Inventory.…