Walking around basically hearing impaired for a day was interesting. I personally loved it a lot! Being a quiet student comes in handy for me with this project. Teachers didn’t call on me or expect me to talk. I had to have a friend of mine talk to the teachers for me if it was important. My friends didn’t like that I wasn’t able to talk and made sure to speak up and enunciate their words when talking to me. Sometimes I wished that I had someone who knew how to sign so I could practice it, but there wasn’t anyone in my friend group. I loved being able to teach people signs that were curious of the language. A girl in my art class that has a different sign language class than me came up and asked me to help her through sign with her
Walking around basically hearing impaired for a day was interesting. I personally loved it a lot! Being a quiet student comes in handy for me with this project. Teachers didn’t call on me or expect me to talk. I had to have a friend of mine talk to the teachers for me if it was important. My friends didn’t like that I wasn’t able to talk and made sure to speak up and enunciate their words when talking to me. Sometimes I wished that I had someone who knew how to sign so I could practice it, but there wasn’t anyone in my friend group. I loved being able to teach people signs that were curious of the language. A girl in my art class that has a different sign language class than me came up and asked me to help her through sign with her