Have you ever wondered about what the importance of striving to personal goals would accomplish? Well if not did you know achieving goals is the most important thing you can do in your life. Striving to achieve a personal goal can create a better life, help you overcome obstacles, and last but not least can help you feel like you’re going to be successful. Setting goals is the most important thing you can do in your life.…
Truth be told, it’s been a few years since the last time I walked into a writing extensive course like English 1302. The last time that I sat in front of a computer, and slaved away for hours trying to create the perfect paper was in 2011, during my first semester at Texas Tech. It was English 101, and people had that it’s a class that I should not take lightly, but of course I thought I knew better. Let’s just say that I figured out, I was not the greatest writer in the world after all, but high school definitely made me think I was. Before I entered into my first semester of college level English, it was not unordinary for me to write a paper that received applause from teachers all the way through senior year. I wrote essays on books, such as the “The Great Gatsby” to critically breaking apart poems. One assignment that I remember vividly was my critical summary over Robert Frost’s Poem, “The Road Less Traveled”. Alas, those easy days are gone. Most of my time now is spent typing up emails to staff and teachers. Since I have been enrolled at Texas Tech, I have worked in Texas Tech’s School of Law in the Administrative Office. Much my work is behind a screen typing up emails. It has taught me a lot, so I feel as though I’ve become pretty proficient when it comes to writing up formal messages or relaying information in a professional way. I believe that I have a decent amount of experience when it comes to my writing abilities, and hopefully that will continue to grow throughout my time in this class.…
Apply Texas Essay C: Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals.…
I have been planning goals for myself since I was in the 7th grade. Some of those goals have already been accomplished and what joy has come over for me for making my dream goals reality. These goals change all of the time, from my major, to colleges and even where I want to reside after I graduate college. I have narrowed down my list though to a few more goals.…
1.Your goal must be conceivable. You must be able to imagine, conceptualize and understand the goal or desired result. Top athletes practice visualizing step-by-step actual success in their sports competition. By visualizing your success in great detail, you are conditioning your mind and preparing yourself to achieve your desired success.…
Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals…
A major factor that has contributed to this shift in my writing abilities is the process by which I write my papers. Before taking this course, I never saw the importance of prewriting, and I truthfully thought of it as a waste of time. However, I now consider it to be absolutely essential to my writing process. Through brainstorming, list making, and outlining I have learned to organize my thoughts into a structure that makes sense for the topics I write about. Not only does it help me to focus my ideas around a central topic, it also helps me to have better time management when writing papers. Before I started prewriting, I would wait until the last minute to write my entire paper. Prewriting helps me to take it a little bit at a time,…
Some kids play sports in high school. Others are in the band, take roles in theater, or members of the debate team. Myself, I did not so any of those things, because, since middle school, my life has been fully devoted to practicing my passion for agriculture and preparing for an eventual career in the industry. I never had time for orchestra rehearsals or scrimmages, I was either out in the barn or in the pens in the field, or at plant ID practice, livestock judging workouts, or chapter meetings instead. These things even took the place of milestones such as prom and homecoming dances for me in middle/high school, but, it was completely fine to me, because, I knew my hard work would soon pay off as soon as…
Life for me has been very interesting. I started off in the nursing field as a nursing assistant and patient care tech at 19 working my way through school both full-time and part-time until I finally graduated from Virginia State University with my Associate’s of Science Degree in Nursing. After accomplishing that goal I have reached somewhat of a plateau in my life I have so many short and long-term goals I want to accomplish both professionally and personally. Some of professional goals are, becoming a supervisor at my current job, obtaining my Advance Life Support Certification, obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, enlisting into the Navy Nurse Corps, becoming a Nurse Practitioner, and eventually one day becoming an Administrator of an Acute Care Facility. As well as having professional goals in life you should have personal goals. My short and long term-personal goals are; relocating to Chicago, Illinois, getting married, and having children. The typical American Dream. These goals are not far from my reach with self motivation and perseverance all of these goals can be accomplished.…
The way a person believes is usually influenced by various different life factors, which is why no one ever agrees on everything. We all have our own aspect of life. The place where one begins to learn and pick up from is usually home with family. Although there are many things including, friends, books, media, income; and even race, gender, and ethnicity that contribute to why people believe differently. My own beliefs, I think have been influenced by family of course, but also by my own personal knowledge and experience; which is only gained by living.…
I aspire to help people get the most benefit possible from technology. My brother is an educator and his students learn English with the help of computer-based language programs. My sister is a physician assistant and uses sophisticated software to monitor health services for her patients. With my passion for technology, I can see great opportunities within these fields to contribute.…
As a graduate nurse anesthetist from Clarkson College, I am hoping to fulfill my personal and professional goals. After graduation, the foremost goal is to prepare for the certification exam that will enable me to practice as a nurse anesthetist for which I will be working so hard for two years before graduating from Clarkson College. Upon obtaining a license, my professional goal is to work for a healthcare company or an association that will enable me to use the skills I learned throughout my graduate school at the same time gives me an opportunity to learn leadership skills and gives necessary experience. After few years of experience as a CRNA, I would like to obtain doctoral degree in nurse anesthesia so I could teach the skills I learned to new nurse anesthetists to be.…
It has been many years since I had started to earn a degree, then I began a career and a family, and never went back to finish completing a degree. The construction industry was hit particularly hard during the great recession and it hit me exceptionally hard. I found myself going from having many employees and building commercial buildings to doing handyman type of work just to feed the kids. Never being able to sit down while faced with a challenge; I chose to finally complete that elusive degree that I had started so many years ago. My motivation that I have used get through college is that additional education, as well as completing a degree, may be just the edge I need to excel once again in my chosen industry. With a little effort and long hours at the computer, I am nearing the end of the journey to receiving an AA in business. The experiences that I had in English through school as a child had instilled a certain level of anxiety of taking a college level course. Consequently, I put off completing the English requirement to the very end, a move that I now regret. A transformation has occurred: I once was apprehensive about writing, but surprising to me, I now truly enjoy…
Once I am secured in a position, the two tactics that I would use to succeed in my employment are to avoid career disaster by incorporating perpetual career management and keeping up my networking. The best time to work on your career is when your job is secure. Even if you’re very happily employed today, you never know what may happen tomorrow! To avoid a career disaster, you should incorporate the concept of “Perpetual Career Management” into your professional life.…
The times these days in business are demanding more and more of the people that they hire. A first priority is a Bachelor Degree in most jobs that offer a decent salary or way of life. Pursuit of my degree is something I'm actively taking a fast stride in and I'm not planning on stopping there. I have a future planned for a better education, a positive outlook, and carrying on my family's history with successful accomplishments. I enjoy learning all aspects of life and some are harder than others but we press on and make the best of the future to come.…