people cheered them on, kept spirits high whatever way I could. Put my all into every step, every reaction as the ball was shot at me. I played on a team not as an individual in a goal. Communication became key, it was almost as if my entire game had evolved as I now knew communication better than I ever had before and became a part of a team.
No longer standing as an individual person that worked alone but a part of a well oiled machine. That year I earned my first award from my high school coaches, it was an award that stood for team spirit, showing my support and bright spirits in every practice, every game. It was an award that reminded me of the true importance of being positive and supportive through every game. Sports rely heavily on the physical aspects but the mental is just as important and if the mental game starts to fall apart then what can the team really accomplish
together. It’s important to remember that spirits need to be raised up when down and showing my support and excitement for my team is now a key part. I now lead communications always trying to find new ways to work with everyone. For every goal my team makes I make sure to raise my stick high in support of the people who I know worked so hard for every step that led up to it.