Personal Narrative: Autumn Lynn Schell
My full name is Autumn Lynn Schell. I am 16 years old, and I was born on October 24, 1999 in Reading, Pennsylvania. Cheering, dancing, and tumbling are the activities I love to do. Cheerleading is one of my favorite hobbies; it comes easy to me. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese; I also love oreo cookies. If I try, I can be a hard-worker. In certain situations, I become extremely impatient. If I contemplate something for too long, I get very frustrated and start to overthink the situation. I am the type of person just to leave alone for awhile so I can think.
You are the greatest piece that ever happened to the world. You make the world a better place. You may not realize how much you mean to society. Because you are on this earth, you