My aunt pours you a glass of milk, skim or 2%, and you head back to the table in the living room to join the others there eating and chatting away about the latest milk prices, tractor sales, and other farm related topics. After seconds and sometimes thirds, the women will could around and take dessert orders, and you squeeze a little bit more into your already bloating belly. We all clean up and the table is removed from the middle of the living room, opening up a huge space to lay down on. With the television playing the Packers game in the background and a few family members at the kitchen table looking through Black Friday ads and planning that night’s exhibition, a majority of us find a play on the carpet to lay and soon drift off to
My aunt pours you a glass of milk, skim or 2%, and you head back to the table in the living room to join the others there eating and chatting away about the latest milk prices, tractor sales, and other farm related topics. After seconds and sometimes thirds, the women will could around and take dessert orders, and you squeeze a little bit more into your already bloating belly. We all clean up and the table is removed from the middle of the living room, opening up a huge space to lay down on. With the television playing the Packers game in the background and a few family members at the kitchen table looking through Black Friday ads and planning that night’s exhibition, a majority of us find a play on the carpet to lay and soon drift off to