I had taken a closer look in the house to see how it differs from a regular house. I had noticed there were patch jobs in the hall ways. I had inquired about it to the staff member and they had told me that it from one of the residents who I violent a lot and had constant mood swings. In my mind, I thought yikes, I better stay out of his way. I had done just that, but only for a little bit. Later that night, he was into watching the roughrider game, so I had thought this might be an opportunity to try to bond with the guy. Even though I knew nothing about the sport, it was worth it. By the of the game, we were cheering and laughing. I had felt an instant connection with this individual. After the shift was over and I had left. I had started to shred tears because I was thinking, how many people would neglect a person like that because of something out of their control. Once time was given and wanting to spend it with the person made the difference.
The forth night, I gained community experience. That night the recreational activity was a Halloween movie which was held at the Kinsmen Manner. Being able to see, not just the residents from the house I was at, but from many from all over the city coming together. This to me is the emotional definition of community. Having everyone participating in an activity and working together, I had seen familiar face and new smiles. Seeing someone so excited to see you across the room who is a stranger, it had opened my eyes and lifted my