This milk is often a gold or yellow color and is thick. The amount may seem very small however it is the right amount for the size of your baby's stomach. The nutrients in breast milk changes as your baby gets older. The colostrum turns into mature milk about 5 days after the birth of your child. It has just the right amount of fat, water, protein, and sugar to help your baby grow. It isn't as thick as colostrum, yet provides all the nutrients and antibodies he or she needs to grow up healthily. Milk straight from the breast of the mother is very easy on the baby's digestive system. The proteins in formula take adjustment time for the baby's stomach to digest them properly. Lastly, the hormones and antibodies in breast milk can not be matched in formula, so the babies on breast milk have a lower risk of getting lower respiratory infections, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and childhood …show more content…
It is extremely time consuming to breastfeed a child. Many women work full-time or go to school and since the mother will be unable to breastfeed due to other responsibilities, she must use a breast pump to get the milk for her baby. Women need to pump when they would normally breastfeed to keep ahead of the baby's feeding schedule. The baby is often teething, and will chew on anything you put near his/her mouth, causing you great pain or discomfort. Along with that, there is drying, splitting and cracking of the nipple that goes along with the constant sucking. Breastfeeding reduces estrogen production, and a lack of that hormone can cause vaginal dryness, which makes sex uncomfortable. You also have very limited choices of which birth control you can use while breastfeeding because it will reduce your milk's quality and quantity. There are also a number of medicines and foods that should not be consumed while breastfeeding. Alcohol suppresses lactation, can harm motor development, and can affect the baby's eating and/or sleeping habits. Caffeine is almost impossible for a baby's body to break down, especially in the first few months of life, and it can make your baby unable to sleep. Aloe, mistletoe,