By now I am sure that Sara has built some type of relationship with Maggie and her children. If I was Sara I would continue the relationship with Maggie to be there for her and support her. I would ensure Maggie is healing well from the abuse and Memphis too. The only thing differently I would have done if I was Sara is I would have definitely intervened between the violence that occurred between Maggie and Shane. I would not have been able to sit there and watch and do nothing to help. I think it is great that Sara did continue the relationship.
Domestic violence is very common in the United States. Domestic Violence is also not talked about very much in the United State. I believe so because a lot of times it happens in the home and the victim is scared is talk about it. According to, Sara, the photographer, “Domestic violence is often shielded from public view.” Therefore, we may see it or hear it, but do nothing to stop it. People tend to look the other way and not get involved in other people’s business. I think Maggie’s Story is touching and can help others who are or who have experienced Domestic