When I first started my journey, I was excited about the idea. Because I love unhealthy snacks, I decided to keep that in my diet, but to only eat a little. Oops! "I guess that kind of defeated the purpose of losing weight." I thought to myself.
How much did I hate drinking water? I hated it very much. “Rosa, in order to lose weight you have to drink plenty of water," she semi-fussed “it helps you to flush out the waste in your body." She had point there. Sodas
contained a lot of extra sugar that my body does not need.
Was exercising three times a week well enough? Of course not, if so, I would be losing weight. Instead of losing weight, I was gaining weight. It was so terrifying.
"This is out of hand," I told my mom “it’s time to start over." I calculated how much water my body needs daily. I'm getting rid of the junk food completely. I need to watch my portion size. I'm going to work out five times a week. I will not fail again. I will succeed. This is my pledge.