Ay, raise mine throne above the stars of Duncan and to sit on the mount of colloquium in the King’s great council on the heights of Linlithgow. I desired to ascend to the tops of the clouds and make myself like the most-high and salve mine father’s blotted name. Power I hadst not to become King as of mine womanhood, alloweth alone to change the stars for thee mine love. But I knew those who could control the moon, make flows and ebbs, and deal in their command without their …show more content…
A drop of mine blood was poured onto a lamb and the hags hewed its limbs and fed its entrails to the Alter of sacrificing fire; whose smoke like incense hadst perfumed the sky so the shadows beest not unappeased. The hags murmured their incantations that our babes’ first breath would at each moment beest their last. “Wend now,” I was commanded “Upon thy lover’s sword sits laurel victory, and smooth success be strewed before his feet. All hail Macbeth! That shall be King thereafter”. Forsooth, one reaps that which that gent sows for after two years the spirits madeth thee a patron of virtue and Scotland’s best champion successful in the battles thee fought. With honour and with fortune thee hadst returned from wither thee circumscribed with thy sword and brought to yoke the enemies of Scotland, and gloriously became Thane of Cawdor. Nay, I was certain thee would beest Scotland’s most renowned King in the short coming of time as the hags foretold. And that came to pass within a twinkling of an