I remember sitting on my beige couch, watching the time click on the wall. I was excited for the hands of the clock to reach the hour I had been waiting. As the minutes passed, I began to get ready for what I had been anticipating- the concert of the summer. This was to be my present to my sister for her twelfth birthday- two tickets for 5 Seconds of Summer, a pop punk band that we both enjoyed. As planned, my father arrived at six o’clock to pick me up. He had planned to bring me back to his house where my sister was getting ready, when, all of the sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. As my stomach began to turn, I looked at my mom and told her that …show more content…
This began a series of returns to the doctors for tests to determine a diagnosis. Soon enough, my GI doctor set a date for an Hida-Scan. On August 25, 2016, I spent most of the day lying in the Hida-Scan at Children’s. Two days later, a diagnosis was made; my gallbladder was the culprit. We were then sent to a recommended surgeon.
On September 13, 2016, we met with Dr. Raval, the surgeon, who looked over my Hida-Scan, and claimed that my gallbladder wasn’t working properly, and needed to be removed. I was firstly scared for the surgery, but that soon turned into joy. The next day, Dr. Raval called and told us the set appointment for the surgery; September 29, 2016 at 1.
Finally, the day that I had waited for approached. I woke up that morning, anxious for the time to turn to one. When they gave me a room, I began preparing myself. The time was inching closer; and when it had arrived, I took medicine to make me fall asleep. A minute later I was taken into the OR. After waking up in my room after recovery, I was surrounded by my family. Throughout the night, I struggled. When I had to use the facility, we called the nurse to assist me. On my way back to the bed, I felt dizzy, and while I was trying to shuffle myself to the bed, I passed out. During that spell, I was lifted back to my