I had already jumped off of it many times, but I knew he would be scared to do it. The rock is twenty-five feet above the water, and it was all there. I lept off first. After I rose to the water’s surface I started convincing Chandler to jump. He walked up to the edge of the rock and let his life jacket drop. “Don’t, it’s suicide,” I screamed. He bailed off of the rock and didn’t come up. I waited and waited. He didn’t come up, so I swam back to the boat. I climbed up the boat ladder and sat down. I looked to my right and I saw nothing. I looked to my left and right beside me was Chandler! He had swum under water all the way from the rock to the boat without me noticing. I felt so great because I had successfully taught Chandler how to swim. He thanked me again and again. I had to tip my hat to him because he did something that I couldn’t even do. We packed up the boat and headed home. At the beginning of the day I thought that it would be impossible to teach him, but turns out he was a better swimmer than me the whole
I had already jumped off of it many times, but I knew he would be scared to do it. The rock is twenty-five feet above the water, and it was all there. I lept off first. After I rose to the water’s surface I started convincing Chandler to jump. He walked up to the edge of the rock and let his life jacket drop. “Don’t, it’s suicide,” I screamed. He bailed off of the rock and didn’t come up. I waited and waited. He didn’t come up, so I swam back to the boat. I climbed up the boat ladder and sat down. I looked to my right and I saw nothing. I looked to my left and right beside me was Chandler! He had swum under water all the way from the rock to the boat without me noticing. I felt so great because I had successfully taught Chandler how to swim. He thanked me again and again. I had to tip my hat to him because he did something that I couldn’t even do. We packed up the boat and headed home. At the beginning of the day I thought that it would be impossible to teach him, but turns out he was a better swimmer than me the whole