I believe in choker necklaces. You might be wondering why, strange concept, isn’t it? But it’s simple. I once had a different point of view also, I thought it was too bold, maybe I’d be seen differently, but today I’ve found a different light. I wear one almost everyday, It could be known as my signature, or to some just an untasteful piece of plastic. But to me it’s more than all of the assumptions and judgements. It’s not just a necklace, it’s a bold representation of my philosophy. You may have already established a different point of view, but I’ll tell you exactly why I wear it, and maybe I can help you understand. It was 6th grade, middle school, when the reality of my surroundings hit me like a brick, and me being the shy girl I was I thought if I just faded to the …show more content…
I’m nobody. Confidence is everything, be yourself and take pride in every bit of it. So what, this is what I enjoy wearing, what does that make me? Just myself, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Maybe this style isn’t for everyone, but why should anyone fear the plastic around their neck, the dollars worth plastic around their neck? That’s why I wear it, I wear it to show that labels are nothing but words. You should never second guess wearing something or doing a certain action just because you’re worried about the people around you.
So wear that purple shirt you’ve wanted to wear, say the things you’ve wanted to say, do the things you want to do. Don’t let people degrade you, you are completely valid. So yeah, I believe in choker necklaces, but most importantly I believe in self love, individuality, and confidence. Be expressive, don’t let anyone dim you, be happy in your own skin. So no, this necklace is not choking me, it’s giving me my voice and I’m alright with whatever you have to say because this is me, this is how I stand out, and if you were wondering this is just what I decided to wear this