“Creon, go get the slaves. As soon as we can, we are going to head to the mountains where we’ll leave the girl.” My father kept shouting angrily as I left. He must have truly wanted a boy, I thought to myself as I called to the slaves.
After the slaves came, I went to my room where I had a bag. I had been planning with my slave. This slave is secretly my best friend, but if my parents found out would kill him. They could never live with a son who was friends with a slave.
I called for my friend, Iros. We had been planning for months what would happen if I got a sister. He would volunteer to stay with the baby and end her, but instead wait for me to get there. I would then go to the house with my father and double back to the mountain with a bag to secretly carry the baby back. We would probably take care of the baby for a few months before trying to convince my parents, but mostly my father, to let her live.
We finally made it to the mountain top where my father left the baby. “Would anybody be willing to stay with this horrid child.” My father said to the slaves. Iros walked to front of the few slaves there and father …show more content…
proclaimed “Fine then, now everybody else head back to the house.” Everybody slowly trudged along the path on the way home. Everybody seemed sort of relieved now their mistress would be back to normal and without another person to care for. Me on the other hand, I was incredibly nervous to if we could succeed without anybody noticing or if we managed it and in a few months, but my father would just kill he himself.
Thinking about this was nerve-racking and my father must have noticed it. Just simply judging by his next question. “Are you feeling alright?” My father asked me as he looked at me. “Everything is fine father” I replied as unfocused as ever. My father returned to yelling at the slaves.
Our party finally returned home and I grabbed a small bag. I left ten minutes later. I ran up the trail of the mountain as quickly as I could and even fell a few times on the way. By the end of the trail I could hear my sister crying and my friend yelling at her to be quiet. The next few months are going to be hard I thought happily. I had finally reached the top. Iros called out to me, “Finally Creon, now help me calm her. She is your sister after all.” I helped him give her some milk to help her fall asleep.
Once she was asleep, Iros and I carefully laid her in my small bag where we would take her to our favorite meeting spot, the abandoned building. We found it a couple years ago while I was playing in the fields. I had gotten lost and turned the wrong direction far away from home and found a large abandoned outpost. Iros eventually found my tracks and took me home but the place became our official meeting place.
A few days before we had built a makeshift crib, so now we laid her in it. We had agreed that we would take turns every two days to keep an eye on her for the next six months. Once the six months were fulfilled, we would tell my parents what we had done. We hoped we would’ve come up with some sort of argument by then.
The months flew by after that. We had some memorable disasters. For example once we both thought it was the other person's shift and this stranger from Spain found the baby and was yelling at us in gibberish. We showed him the harbor and promised each other we would check in every day.
Within the last few months of the deadline my parents began to question where we were going. We used excuses like we were visiting the temple, getting food at the market, and hanging out with friends. My parents got really excited at the prospect because other than Iros I didn't have any friends.
“Iros, are we sure we don’t want to just wait a few more months.” I told him. We already knew what we were going to say to my parents, but that didn’t change the fact that I didn’t want to confront them.
“Yes Creon, we have to do it anyway and I’m so done with taking care of Maarika (that’s what we named her) alone.” Replied the slave.
“Fine, I suppose you're right.”
Iros and I walked away from the outpost both occasionally looking at each other but saying nothing. We were too anxious to talk, even though I was the only person confronting my parents. We decided we wouldn’t risk letting my parents find out about our friendship, the consequences were too high.
We opened the door and walked inside taking off our sandals as we did.
Iros left to the kitchen and told me good luck as he did, since I was facing my parents alone. I walked to my father’s office practically shaking. I was increasingly nervous as I knocked on my father's door. My father was sitting at his desk. “Acteon, go get my wife,” my father barked at the slaves as much as ever. “Creon, what did you want to talk about?” “I'll tell when mother is her. I’d like to save myself from repeating whatever I say.” I replied trying to act calm. We experienced awkward silence as we waited for my mother. A few more awkward minutes before my mother entered the
room. “Why are we here, Alexios?” my mother asked in her high voice. “I don’t know Hestia, why don’t you ask Creon. He’s the one who called us here.” my father replied simply. “Creon, pleases tell me why we are here.” my mother asked. She already seemed tired of being here. “Alright, Alright, I’ve decided to tell you everything. Father, do you remember what you did to my sister?” I asked him and he responded with a look of surprise. He knew I never talked about my sister, but he never knew why. “Yes” he responded a little guilefully. “She’s alive” I said quietly and the look of surprise on parents faces was something I rarely saw. “Yes!” my mother screamed. Now it was my turn to be surprised. I never realized that my mother didn’t want her dead. My father remained silent and looked grim. I didn’t know what to say. This was completely unexpected. “Where is she!?” my mother screamed. I looked at her happiness and almost told her, but finally the surprise wore off and I remembered I couldn’t say. “I would tell you mother, but I need to know what father says about the matter. I don’t want him to do anything to her.” I told her this and could see a little bit of hurt from father, but he after all, was the man who left her to die. “So, what do you say father ?” I told him the excitement all over my voice. Will my sister live? Is the only thing I could think about. My father replied with “I never knew mother would be ok with a girl. We only ever talked about having a boy. I left her there for Hestia or else I might’ve been ok with a girl. I promise that I won’t hurt her and do you have a name for this child?” “Yes actually I named her Maarika. Is that ok?” I asked thinking it was a little weird naming their child. “I think it’s a wonderful name,” said my mother and my father nodded his head in agreement. “I agree,” my father agreed.
“Well then get ready and I’ll take you to her.” I said the relief just flowing out of my voice. This conversation went perfect. There’s no way it could get better. We walked for about half an hour, before we saw the abandoned outpost. “There it is,” I called out to nobody in particular. “Is this where you go whenever we can’t find you?” Mother asked glaring at me. “Some of the time,” I admitted at she glared at me more than before, which I didn’t think was possible.
We walked toward the entrance of the outpost where my sister was asleep in the small crib and my parents looked gleeful as my mother picked up my sister. My sister still asleep was then put into my father's arms. My father had the look of pure joy on his face. It was rare to see him smile but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see him look like this.
We stayed at the outpost a few more minutes before we began our walk back to the house. It was really all too bad that my parents found out about the outpost, but my sister was worth it. My parents decided to throw a party with some family friends. The party would be remembered by everyone who went for years. Everybody seemed happy except for a small group of slaves, who realized they would be the ones taking care of her.
While everybody was having fun Iros and I celebrated together on how well everything went. We talked for a little while but got tired so I went to bed. I slept more peacefully than I would in a very long time.