Mrs. Jacobs assigned her students to figure out the best ways to save up money for anything they wanted to get during the holidays and report their findings after Christmas break.
“That’s so easy.” Said Logan, rolling his eyes.
Mark, his best friend and neighbor nodded, “A piece of cake and I don’t even have to study for it!”
Laurie, Logan’s twin sister, shook her head, “It’s not as easy as it sounds.”
Logan and Mark laughed, already looking forwards to saving all the money they got their hands on.
The bell rang and the children ran to the door, talking loudly and happy that the school day was over.
“Remember, Christmas …show more content…
Both were thinking that was a really unsafe way to save money. Way too many things could go wrong! Weeks went by and the children continued saving all the money they earned from helping around, or doing shores.
Logan had earned $60 since he started saving. Even though he wanted to buy a cool Halloween costume, he fought the urge to take any of his saved up money for it.
Laurie had earned $50 helping around in the house and an extra $20 for helping a neighbor with her groceries. She gave it all to her mom as soon as she had earned it so that it could be put in her saving’s account.
For his part, Mark earned $50 since he started saving by helping his grandfather during the weekends in the family’s store. He had no doubt he would be able to save enough money to buy his hoverboard when Christmas came. But he’d kept the money under the lamp of his night stand because he always found excuses to bury it in the back yard with the rest.
Two days after Thanksgiving, Logan ran into his room, took the money box out of hiding and counted the money inside it. He had $120 in