We both remember the RA helping us and telling me rules of the dorm. We also both remember meeting my roommate and her family. However when I started to name other people, such as friends I made throughout the year my father said he remember seeing them when we really didn’t. This memory difference is known as misinformation effect. Misinformation effect is when an individual thinks a memory or certain event happened because they were primed of others events, such as” false memory is based on suggestive information”(Best, 2015). I did this simply by stating names of friends that I made in my resistance hall throughout the year and asked my dad if he remembers seeing them. Due to this my father encountered misinformation effect and believed he saw certain friends when he really
We both remember the RA helping us and telling me rules of the dorm. We also both remember meeting my roommate and her family. However when I started to name other people, such as friends I made throughout the year my father said he remember seeing them when we really didn’t. This memory difference is known as misinformation effect. Misinformation effect is when an individual thinks a memory or certain event happened because they were primed of others events, such as” false memory is based on suggestive information”(Best, 2015). I did this simply by stating names of friends that I made in my resistance hall throughout the year and asked my dad if he remembers seeing them. Due to this my father encountered misinformation effect and believed he saw certain friends when he really