“We’re moving to America tomorrow” was what my mother said to me on April 21, 2007. I was playing with my toys when she told me the news and considering we had regularly joked about moving to America for as long as I could remember, I thought she was just messing with me. The next day, I realized that she was serious than ever.…
Alex, and that tree. I’ve lived in two completely different places. For the greater part of my life, in Ecuador, and for the last 4 years, in California. Moving away from the place that I spent my entire life at, has really changed me. I had to leave all of the people I love and everyone I ever knew, and move to a strange place where I had no one except my mom, dad, and brother. Moving to California made me become a new person, a different person than who I was in Ecuador. In the following Vignettes I talk about what has made me into who I was in Ecuador, and what made me into what I am today. I talk a lot about the trip to California, and the first few months here because it was a very traumatic experience for me that pains me to think about even to this day. I’ll always miss the person I was in Ecuador, even if I don’t remember who I was. But I will always love the person that I am today and will continue to better myself and live the best life…
When I was 10, I moved to Boston to live with my mom, and brother and sister. At first, I had a lot of anxiety thinking about what my father had done to me. I would try to hide it from my mom, but she could tell. It was great to be back with my brother and sister. Over time I became less anxious and less angry and I started to become interested in computers ever since we got separated, things that did not exist for my sins I was way playing with my brother and my sister.…
When I moved to New York to live with my dad, my life and ethics took a major turn. Many things changed, from school, to sports, to even the way I dressed. The people are different, the culture is different, and the way people talked was even different. The reason these changes had to be made was because of the black population in Virginia, they were all very gangster, and the New York population were mainly white, not that I have a problem with blacks, but they were very rude and inconsiderate. I am not racist at all, just people there are ignorant. In Virginia where I used to live, it was considered the ghetto part of my town, so I had to look, and act the part. But in New York where I live now, it’s the total opposite, a much more civil and calm town. I had to make so many changes to my life to adjust to the way people live In New York compared to Virginia. Not only the people and the culture, but my family in New York has a completely different way of living, by that I mean how they look at things, what’s right and what’s wrong in their eyes (I moved from Virginia to New York in 2007, when I was around 12 years old, in 7th grade). After the move life went forward, I got better grades…
The first place I would pick to move to is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Everyone forgets about this part of Michigan, half of the time it isn’t on the weather maps on the news. I think it would still be hard because I would have to pick up my life and transfer it to another world. At this point I understand that I would have to give up the luxuries I love so much. I would keep my phone but I cannot take my entire bedroom, my car, or my school with me. I know a lot of my family would stay put. They would suffer through it because they wouldn’t believe it until it was actually happening. My mother’s side of the family is very old fashioned and will not leave their ground because they have already been here so long and have worked so hard.…
From what I recall, the day was heated, as were most days living on the top floor of a run down, income based apartment complex. Our second hand wall air conditioner sucked, and we were miserable. While annoyingly listening to the foreign toddlers run up and down the hallway in their diapers, I made the decision; it was time to move.…
The past six week we have covered the likes of 3rd world living and the conditions that they provide to their people. The conditions of living have been focused on the geographic location of these countries, the social issues that take place, military status, economical well being and the technology that is possesses. Before I make the decision to uproot and move, I need to make certain of some things. I will most definitely not move somewhere where I will not be able to, at least match or increase my income, so I need to take a look ant the economy of the relocation destination. I want to make certain that the culture and its surrounding are suitable for the upbringing of children. The schools, the climate,…
In life everyone has heard words that just stick with them. The words that make you think twice about how you feel about certain situations. The words of encouragement i remember the most are from my dad. For example, The time i didn’t want to relocate to Indiana. I listened to him and i’m very happy that i did relocate.…
I am a temporary migrant. My father told me that I should extend my horizon and feel the different culture to open myself, because he knew I am unsociable. I think it is a pull factor because it's so hard for me to join the competitions in China. But I do not intend to immigrate to Canada, leaving home is not what I want even if I left home all the time.…
She moved to Ohio where her job was. They stayed behind and lived in Minneapolis with his grandmother. Then he moved here. He said I’ve never lived in a different state from my kids. We talked a while about my son and I. Then he told me he had a girlfriend. They met in college and fell in love. Now they live in different states. He said, “I don’t think this long distance relationship is working for me. I told her I did not feel we should continue to see each other.” I asked, “So what did she say?” He continued “She said just give it more time.” After a moment of silence, he took my hand and said, “We’ve worked together for years and you have always stayed in my corner. I feel you’re the only family I have here.” I smiled and thought well that good to hear. I’ll help you out when I can. The next day we were at work and he was taking out the trash. I was doing my paperwork. A woman who worked with us liked him a lot. She walked up and asked me why are you keeping your relationship a secret. You and James are a couple. I asked her what she was talking about? She said James told me and everyone else at the job you guys were a…
If you have ever been bullied, you know where I am coming from when I say that it is something that no one should ever go through. Unfortunately, I have gone through it before and I am glad to have fought through it. I can clearly remember the time when I used to get bullied. My family and I had just moved to Canada a few months ago and I wasn't able to speak English very well at the time. I was so excited to learn everything there was to know about Canada, especially now that I knew that everyone didn’t live in igloos. Before coming to Canada I was told by a friend in India that everyone lived in igloos, of course being six at the time I believed her without questioning it. I was also very excited to see snow for the first time because,…
Moving on is easy but what you leave behind is what makes it hard. Once you get to a certain age in your life you know you have to move on sometime. I know times are hard but you have to push yourself toward what you really want in life even if it means moving away from what you love.…
Leaving your country is always a difficult decision, and whoever has experienced it understands the sacrifice it entails. When I left Poland at 18, I thought I was going to be in paradise, but to my disappointment it was far from that. I had to learn a new language and work hard to provide for myself. What kept me motivated was the hope for a better future and an independent life.…
It was a sticky, humid June day and I was packing my suitcase anticipating for the day to leave for the airport. My dad called me told me I had to make a decision of staying in Brazil for either 2 or 3 weeks. I know this choice may not seem important, but it actually was. If I stayed in Brazil for only 2 weeks then I would have to spend less time with my family and living in Brazil, but I’d come home to my best friend John sooner. If i stayed in Brazil for 3 weeks then i’d spend a longer amount of time away from Johnny, but more time with my family.…
I used to find myself standing before the teacher’s desk, receiving some minor punishment for socializing too often.…