My overall greatest memory is when I met the person who is still my best friend in third grade. His name was Bobby Westcott and we met in Ms. Koy’s class when we were 7 years old. We had not started to be friends outside of school until one day while walking home from school we started talking and his sister suggested that he come to my house sometime. For the longest time ever Bobby had been one of the only friends I hung out with after school. Half way through the summer going into 7th grade he moved to Keansburg so he only comes over to South Amboy on holidays now. During the 7th grade year, I made a lot of new friends, one of them being Lucas who had been friends with Bobby for almost the same amount of time as me. With …show more content…
As I said before I was not able to make it into the Edison Academy high school which would have made me really excited to go to high school. Also, I am not going to be able to go to Sayreville high school because it costs money since I do not live in the residence even though my dad is a teacher there. I know that I will be taking whatever honors and AP courses I can while I am in South Amboy. My parents have always told me to try my hardest as a kid in school so when I am an adult I do not have to work as hard. I hope to get into a good college such as NJIT or MIT so I can study computer science or electrical engineering. If everything goes as planned I should be graduated from college working as some type of engineer in the next ten