Within an hour, I was placed into a bulletproof box and taken across the hospital to be watched closely. Since my meingocele was …show more content…
We eventually moved into a brand new development in Pleasanton, California. My parents quickly made friends with the other young families that had moved in around us and I soon joined a playgroup. I remember this time as one filled with children playing in the streets, barbeques, potlucks and fun. Around age three, my parents enrolled me at Gingerbread Preschool. After a few months of attending preschool, I began asking for a baby sister. I remember noticing that many of the kids at my school had babies in their family and wanting one in my own family.
Due to my medical history, any child that my parents had after me had a much higher risk of having the same birth defect. My parents began taking all preventive measures possible so that this child would not experience the same difficulties I had. In July of that year, my little sister was born in Walnut Creek, California. I was immediately infatuated and loved spending as much time I could with her. Thankfully, she was not born with Spina Bifida to the great joy of my