“Hey mom,” I said. “I need you to sign this for me,”
“Sure, what is it for,” she replied
“It is for a field trip to Yosemite,” I said.
“Well lucky you,” she said.
After she signed it I immediately began planning out the trip and figured out what I would bring. I couldn’t stop thinking how much cool things I would see. My backpack was packed with nuts, water bottles, a jacket, a film camera, headphones, and my phone, but I still felt under packed for some reason. The trip there took and back four hours, we would ride the buses for two hours there, then stay for four hours then ride the buses back to …show more content…
After that we took park buses(green buses that take you to certain destinations inside the park) to the gift shop where everybody would meet up to get on the busses and ride back to school. At the gift shop I bought two rocks cut in half filled with crystals. While we were waiting for the buses to arrive, we all waited on benches in front of the gift shop and a squirrel grabbed my bag of nuts and began to scarf them down. Right after the squirrel grabbed the bag, a park ranger shows up and tells about feeding the animals. Right before we got on the buses I had realized that I had lost the film camera that my parents gave me and I used for most of the pictures on. So, I began to backtrace and try to find it before we left. We looked all around the meeting area and in the gift shop but, no camera. Then, on the bus ride home I had realized that it must have fallen out of my pocket when we rode the park buses. My pockets were full and the camera was close to the top so it must have fallen out. Since I forgot to take most photos with my phone, I didn’t have much pictures to show my parents so, I wasn’t very happy about that. Then, a few months later I “drowned” my phone, so I had lost all photos I took of